General FAQ |
Есюфзуз: Why do I need to register? |
БрЬнфзуз: Registration may or may not be required from the administrator. Registration gives a member additional features such as uploading, having a favorite list, rating pictures and posting comments etc.
Есюфзуз: How Do I login? |
БрЬнфзуз: Go to "Login", submit your username and password and check "Remember Me" so you will be logged in on the site if you should leave it. IMPORTANT:Cookies must be enabled and the cookie from this site must not be deleted in order to use "Remember Me".
Есюфзуз: Why can I not login? |
БрЬнфзуз: Did you register and replied to the link that was sent to you via email?. The link will activate your account. For other login probelms contact the site administrator.
Есюфзуз: What if I forgot my password? |
БрЬнфзуз: If this site has a "Forgot password" link then use it. Other than that contact the site administrator for a new password.
Есюфзуз: What if I changed my email address? |
БрЬнфзуз: Just simply login and change yor email address through "Profile"
Есюфзуз: How do I save a picture to "My Favorites"? |
БрЬнфзуз: Click on a picture and click on the "picture info" link ( ); scroll down to the picture information set and click "Add to fav". The administrator may have the "picture information" on by default. IMPORTANT:Cookies must be enabled and the cookie from this site must not be deleted.
Есюфзуз: How do I rate a picture? |
БрЬнфзуз: Click on a thumbnailed picture and go to the bottom and choose a rating.
Есюфзуз: How do I post a comment for a picture? |
БрЬнфзуз: Click on a thumbnailed picture and go to the bottom and post a comment.
Есюфзуз: What type and size of a picture can I upload? |
БрЬнфзуз: The size and type (jpg,gif,..etc.) is up to the administrator.
Есюфзуз: What are cookies? |
БрЬнфзуз: Cookies are a plain text pice of data that is sent from a website and is put on to your computer. Cookies usually allow a user to leave and return to the site without having to login again and other various chores.
Есюфзуз: Where can I get this program for my site? |
БрЬнфзуз: Coppermine is a free Multimedia Gallery, released under GNU GPL. It is full of features and has been ported to various platforms. Visit the Coppermine Home Page to find out more or download it.
Navigating the Site |
Есюфзуз: What's "Album List"? |
БрЬнфзуз: This will show you the entire gallery with a link to each catagory. Thumbnails may be a link to the catagory.
Есюфзуз: What's "Last Uploads"? |
БрЬнфзуз: This feature shows the last uploads uploaded to the site.
Есюфзуз: What's "Last Comments"? |
БрЬнфзуз: This feature shows the last comments along with the picture posted by users.
Есюфзуз: What's "Most Viewed"? |
БрЬнфзуз: This feature shows the most viewed pictures by all users (whether logged in or not).
Есюфзуз: What's "Top Rated"? |
БрЬнфзуз: This feature shows the top rated pictures rated by the users, showing the average rating (e.g: five users each gave a : the picture would have an average rating of ;Five users rated the picture from 1 to 5 (1,2,3,4,5) would result in an average .) The ratings go from (best) to (worst).
Есюфзуз: What's "My Favorites"? |
БрЬнфзуз: This feature will let a user store a favorite picture in the cookie that was sent to your computer.